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Backstage AWS Proxy SigV4 Plugin

An AWS Proxy for Backstage that uses SigV4 signing

Created by Twilio Segment

Available on Roadie

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie

Installation steps

Add the plugin

yarn add --cwd packages/backend '@segment/backstage-plugin-proxy-sigv4-backend'

For the New Backend System, make the following changes to your packages/backend/src/index.ts file.

// packages/backend/src/index.ts file
import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';
const backend = createBackend();
// ... other feature additions

+ // proxy-sigv4 plugin installation
+ backend.add(import('@segment/backstage-plugin-proxy-sigv4-backend'));


Or if you're using the Legacy Backend System, you'll need to add the plugin to the router in the backend. To do this, create a new backend plugin wrapper module and then add that to your backend index.ts file.

// packages/backend/src/plugins/proxy-sigv4.ts

import { createRouter } from '@segment/backstage-plugin-proxy-sigv4-backend';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';

export default async function createPlugin({
}: PluginEnvironment): Promise<Router> {
  return await createRouter({ logger, config });

// packages/backend/src/index.ts

+import proxySigV4 from './plugins/proxy-sigv4';

async function main() {
  const createEnv = makeCreateEnv(config);

  const proxyEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('proxy'));
+  const proxySigV4Env = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('proxy-sigv4'));

  const apiRouter = Router();

  apiRouter.use('/proxy', await proxy(proxyEnv));
+  apiRouter.use('/proxy-sigv4', await proxySigV4(proxySignV4Env));

Then configure your proxy routes in either short or expanded form.

// Short form
  '/some-local-path': https://<API ID>.execute-api.<region>

// Expanded form
    target: 'https://<API ID>.execute-api.<region>'
    roleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::<account>:role/<name>'
    roleSessionName: tempAssumeRoleSession ## optional

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Things to know


  • No response streaming.
  • No configuration of the forwarded or received headers allowlist.
  • No ability to override or manually configure target URL service and region properties CNAME’d endpoints are therefore not currently supported
  • Target URLs that lack a trailing slash (/) will always have one implicitly applied. e.g.: will be treated as
  • Target URLs with a path prefix may be susceptible to path traversal attacks; test coverage for this is poor.

New Auth services

When using the new backend system with the new auth services, the proxy-sigv4 backend plugin will by default allow unauthenticated requests.

You can prevent this by adding allowUnauthenticatedRequests: false to your proxy file within the proxysigv4 section.

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie