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Backstage Splunk On-Call Plugin

Displays Splunk On-Call information about associated services in Backstage.

Created by Rémi Doreau

Available on Roadie

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie

Installation steps

Install the plugin package in your Backstage app

yarn --cwd packages/app add @backstage-community/plugin-splunk-on-call

Configure your proxy to add credentials to requests to sentry.

# app-config.yaml
  # ...
    target: https://api.victorops.com/api-public
  eventsRestEndpoint: <SPLUNK_ON_CALL_REST_ENDPOINT>

Add the plugin components to your entity page

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import {
} from '@backstage-community/plugin-splunk-on-call';
// ...
const overviewContent = (
  <Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
      <EntitySwitch.Case if={isSplunkOnCallAvailable}>
        <Grid item md={6}>
          <EntitySplunkOnCallCard />

Add annotations to relevant catalog-info.yaml files.

  splunk.com/on-call-team: <SPLUNK_ON_CALL_TEAM_NAME>
  splunk.com/on-call-routing-key: <SPLUNK_ON_CALL_ROUTING_KEY> // an alternative if you use Routing keys

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Things to know

Useful Info

  • In current implementation, the Splunk OnCall plugin requires the /splunk-on-call proxy endpoint be exposed by the Backstage backend as an unprotected endpoint, in effect enabling Splunk OnCall API access using the configured SPLUNK_ON_CALL_API_KEY for any user or process with access to the /splunk-on-call Backstage backend endpoint. See below for further configuration options enabling protection of this endpoint. If you regard this as problematic, consider using the plugin in readOnly mode () by adding allowedMethods: ['GET'] to the proxy config.

Set up Backstage in minutes with Roadie