Modeling Entities in the Catalog

Published on August 14th, 2024


Your organisation can be modeled in Roadie’s Catalog using a variety of different top level Kinds which are intended to be broad buckets

Roadie is fully compatible with all Kinds found on Backstage, the docs explaining the underlying schema approach can be found here.


Kinds are combined with a spec.type field that can be used to more precisely describe the category. For instance the Component Kind could have a type of website or internal-tooling or external-library to describe a wide variety of software types and contexts.

Similarly, it is common for organisations to have multiple logical groupings at higher levels like System and Domain such as “Bounded Context” or “Value Stream”. These can also be modeled using spec.type and then displayed in their own tab on the Catalog page using our custom Catalog Tab editor.

The spec.type field is not constrained - you can add anything you like, but it is best practice to:

  • Establish a convention such as lowercase and kebab case for new types
  • Not use types that should be in a different Kind - i.e. infrastructure as code should be a series of Resource kinds rather than Component kinds with a type of iac.
  • Agree a limited set of types for each Kind and encourage care/consensus in adding new ones (having too many, overly specific types can make them less useful sometimes as it can become harder to find things)
  • Clean up duplicates with different formating regularly by checking available select options for the type filter on Catalog pages

Available Kinds

Kind Metadata Fields (* required) Spec Fields (* required) Available spec Relationships
Component name*,namespace,title,description,annotations,labels,tags,links type*,lifecycle* owner*,system,dependsOn,dependencyOf,providesApis,consumesApis,subcomponentOf,hasPart,partOf
Resource "" type* owner*,system,dependsOn,dependencyOf,hasPart,partOf
API "" type*,lifecycle*,definition* owner*,system,dependsOn,dependencyOf,partOf
Template "" type*,parameters,steps owner
System "" type owner,domain,dependsOn,dependencyOf,parentOf,childOf,hasPart,partOf
Domain "" type owner,subdomainOf,dependsOn,dependencyOf,parentOf,childOf,hasPart,partOf
Product "" type owner,system,dependsOn,dependencyOf,parentOf,childOf,hasPart,partOf,managedBy
User "" profile memberOf*,managedBy,manages
Group "" type*,profile members,managedBy,children*,parent

More information on relationships can be found here

Further Reading