Create a Proxy

Accessing your own self-hosted solutions and third party product APIs securely from Roadie is crucial in ensuring security of data and systems. Roadie provides two kinds of proxy services to handle these scenarios.

With the Proxy feature, there’s an easier way. In this tutorial, we’re going to:

  1. Securely store credentials in the Roadie.
  2. Configure a basic and authenticated Proxy to access a third party API.

As we go through this process, you’ll learn:

  1. How to add user credentials to the Roadie.
  2. How to configure the basic and advanced settings of the Proxy.

Let’s get started.

Create a new Basic Proxy

1. Navigate to Roadie Tenant

2. Click “Administration”

3. Click “Plugins”

4. Click “Proxy”

5. Click “ADD PROXY”

6. Click the “Path *” field and type the path that will be used when referencing the proxy (e.g. [[/github/apiv2]])

7. Click the “Target *” field and type the target URL for the Proxy (e.g. [[]])

8. Under Advanced Settings, you have the ability to configure the following:

  • Allowed Methods
  • Extra Headers
  • Path Rewrites
  • Allowed Headers
  • Block:
    • All Methods
    • All Headers
  • Change Origin

9. Click “SAVE”

10. Click “APPLY & RESTART”

11. Click “CONFIRM”