Setting secrets

Published on September 20th, 2024


Many Backstage plugins require authentication to work. This tutorial shows you how to set authentication tokens securely in Roadie.

Step 1: Visit the secrets page

The secrets page is available in your Backstage instance at:


To navigate to this page, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Administration link in the bottom left of the application.

A link that says "Administration"

  1. Click the Settings tab along the top of the Administration page.

A link that says "Settings"

  1. Click on Secrets in the left sidebar.

A link that says "Secrets"

Step 2: Edit the secret you need

  1. Find the secret name in the table. For example: PAGERDUTY_TOKEN.

A table row with the name PAGERDUTY_TOKEN, an edit icon as a button and a short description of what the token does

2.. Click the pencil icon to open a dialog where you can set a token.

A modal dialog with an input where we can input a secret and a save button

  1. Paste your token into the input and click SAVE. The specific details of where to get the token will depend on the plugin you are configuring.

Step 3: Unsetting or deleting a secret

If you need to delete a saved secret, you can easily do so by editing the secret and entering the value unset.

  1. Find the secret you want to delete in the table.

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the secret.

  3. In the input field, type unset and click SAVE. This will remove the secret from the system.

The table row will reflect that a secret has been unset

Once the secret is removed, it will no longer be available for use by any plugins or integrations.