Flux Plugin

Published on July 15th, 2021
OSS plugin

The Flux plugin allows you to view and manage your Flux controlled workloads directly via the Roadie UI. The plugin exposes multiple Card components which can be combined into a rich dashboard of information.

Two cards from Flux plugin displaying information


The base configuration of the plugin is handled by the Kubernetes plugin, so make sure you have configured a working Kubernetes connection first. You can find instructions on how to do that from the Kubernetes plugin documentation.

To complement the base configuration, the Flux plugin also needs additional permissions to be able to query the correct resources from within the Kubernetes cluster. These permissions can be added to complement the same, already configured, Kubernetes roles and bindings.

There are two sets of permissions that can be configured for the plugin, “view” and “sync” permissions. The permission rules for the “view” role are:

 - apiGroups:
    - notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io
    - source.toolkit.fluxcd.io
    - helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io
    - image.toolkit.fluxcd.io
    - kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io
    - "*"
    - get
    - list
    - watch

The permission rules for the “sync” role are:

  - apiGroups:
     - source.toolkit.fluxcd.io
      - buckets
      - helmcharts
      - gitrepositories
      - helmrepositories
      - ocirepositories
      - patch
  - apiGroups:
      - kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io
      - kustomizations
      - patch
  - apiGroups:
      - helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io
      - helmreleases
      - patch

You can find a full configuration options from the plugin documentation..

Adding Flux Cards to Roadie

The Flux plugin exposes multiple different Card type components that can be added to your Roadie instance. The recommended way to display a god amount of information about your Flux configurations related to your entity is to create a new “Dashboard” tab and add the wanted cards in there. The available card components are as follows:

Component Description
EntityFluxDeploymentsCard Displays associated Kustomizations and HelmReleases
EntityFluxSourcesCard Displays associated GitRepositories, OCIRepositories and HelmRepositories
EntityFluxHelmReleasesCard Shows HelmReleases associated to the Entity
EntityFluxKustomizationsCard Shows Kustomizations associated to the Entity
EntityFluxGitRepositoriesCard Shows GitRepositories associated to the Entity
EntityFluxOCIRepositoriesCard Shows OCIRepositories associated to the Entity
EntityFluxHelmRepositoriesCard Shows HelmRepositories associated to the Entity
EntityFluxImagePoliciesCard Shows ImagePolicies associated to the Entity

Configuring your entities

The Flux plugin reuses the already existing Kubernetes plugin annotations. The available annotations for an entity are:

  • backstage.io/kubernetes-id: something - Identify the kubernetes resource having the matching label
  • backstage.io/kubernetes-namespace: roadie - To configure the namespace where to look resources from

Configuring your Kubernetes resources

After you have added wanted annotations to your entities, modify your Kubernetes resources to have the matching annotation. For example:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: carts-nginx
  namespace: carts
    backstage.io/kubernetes-id: carts-service
      chart: nginx
      reconcileStrategy: ChartVersion
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: podinfo
  interval: 1m0s
