Grafana Plugin

Published on March 7th, 2022
OSS plugin


The Backstage Grafana plugin integrates with Grafana to list alerts and dashboards for your entities.


At a Glance

Prerequisites Configuration Data:
  • API Key
  • Grafana Frontend URL
  • Grafana Backend URL
Component Annotations:
  • Tag Selector / Dashboard Selector
Supported Environments ☒ Private Network via Broker
☐ Internet Accessible via IP Whitelist
☒ Cloud Hosted


You’ll need a Grafana account with an API key and the url of your Grafana UI and API (if different).

Adding the plugin

Configuring Grafana Credentials

You can choose to configure Grafana in one of two ways:

  • Assuming that there is network connectivity between Roadie and Grafana you can configure this using direct access.
  • or you can choose to run the Roadie Grafana broker internally to open a connection between Roadie and Grafana.

Configure the Grafana endpoints for direct access

Configure the Grafana endpoints to use via Administration -> Settings -> Grafana. If you’re using your frontend and backend endpoints should be the same e.g. https://<your-company> If you’re using hosting Grafana yourself you’ll need to specify a url to the frontend which is used by backstage to generate links and an API endpoint which the plugin uses to query alerts and dashboards.


Add the Grafana API Key

Set the Grafana Frontend URL, Backend URL and the GRAFANA_API_KEY in same page at /administration/grafana.

NB: You’ll need to wait for the secret to be marked as “Available” before you can use the Grafana plugin.

Configure Grafana via the Roadie Broker

You will need to run the broker container in an environment that has connectivity to the Grafana API as follows:

docker run \
  -e GRAFANA_TOKEN=<your grafana token> \
  -e GRAFANA_URL=http://<your grafana backend api> \
  -e "BROKER_TOKEN=grafana" \
  -e "BROKER_SERVER_URL=https://<your tenant name>" roadiehq/broker:grafana

In Administration -> Settings -> Grafana, set the Frontend url to the URL at which the Grafana UI is available your users. Set the Backend URL to broker://grafana. You should leave the GRAFANA_API_KEY blank.

Add the plugin to the UI

The Grafana plugin provides two components which can be added to the Backstage UI. You must be a Backstage admin to add components to the UI.

The EntityGrafanaDashboardsCard and EntityGrafanaAlertsCard components can be added to catalog dashboards. These list dashboards and alerts respectively.

Set the Grafana annotation on entities

The Grafana plugin uses an annotation to link entities in the Backstage catalog to data in Grafana. This annotation should have a tag in Grafana as its value. Any alerts or dashboards with this tag will be displayed once the annotation is set and the components added to the UI.

Make a PR to the following to your catalog-info.yaml file:

  grafana/tag-selector: "my-grafana-tag"